
Michelle Cosgrove Michelle Cosgrove

Gifts or Powers?

Psychic, or intuitive Abilities, can be seen as a gift. Life is a gift, every breath is a gift, so then are our psychic abilities – Psychic ability is our natural sixth sense & in that respect, it is a gift just as our life is a gift.

Calling our natural intuitive ability a power is very misleading. Our intuitive abilities don’t give us power over anyone or anything. Individuals have varying degrees and types of ability and none are better or worse than the other, just different.

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Michelle Cosgrove Michelle Cosgrove

Spring Clean Your Life

Our grandparents intuitively knew that they needed to clear the energy of the home after having it closed up for a few months over winter, or longer if you live in a cold climate. Autumn and Winter are cooler times of the year, we close our windows and doors, and spend more time indoors snuggling in the warmth of our home. We’re often inside recuperating from winter ailments.

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Michelle Cosgrove Michelle Cosgrove

Why Are You Waiting?

It’s up to you to begin taking the baby steps toward your goals. It’s not enough to meditate on it or visualise it or pray for it. You can plan all you like, build it up mentally and emotionally, but you won’t get results until you actually start working on your dream.

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Michelle Cosgrove Michelle Cosgrove

When will it happen?

Time does not exist for spirit, your higher self, your guides or loved ones that have passed. Time has been created by man for practical reasons.

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Michelle Cosgrove Michelle Cosgrove

The purpose of Tarot

Tarot is a great tool to use as a guide to help us see a clearer way to what we desire, to more clearly see a solution to a problem or issue, or to help us make decisions that will lead us to where we feel we need to be in life.

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Inner Know How is an offshoot of Cosmic Soul. Cosmic Soul started as a place where Michelle could read and operate her spiritual based business in Redcliffe Queensland.

Inner know how strives to be more than a reading space, it’s a place to help you tap into your inner knowing and remember how to use your innate skills, a place where you might expand your knowledge. With that in mind, it is envisaged that this site will continue to evolve and grow - so please feel free to save this site and pop back occasionally to see what’s new.

Thank you.